Is the world going to end on 21st of June'2020?

Mayan Calendar

If we have to believe a tweet dated 12th of June 2020, our earth will end in the next 4 days i.e. 21st of June’2020 will be the last day for our beloved earth.

So far in 2020 mankind has witnessed COVID -19, Wild/forest fires, cyclones, earthquakes, volcanoes, locust attack, aviation disasters, geo-political unrest among various countries - is there anything left in this dreadful year to be witnessed by mankind or we are done? 

As per the newly spun conspiracy theory, the worst is yet to come - it will come in a form of a planet colliding with earth and reducing it to bits and pieces and this is due to happen on the 21st of this month.


Dooms Day

As per the theory put forward by Paolo Tagaloguin - the scientist claiming that the world will end on 21st of June’2020 - the mystery/logic behind this theory is in the efforts of mankind put together about 268 years ago while switching to Gregorian calendar from Julian calendar.

Almost the entire world is using the Gregorian calendar since 1752.

As per the conspiracy theory, mankind is technically in the year 2012 and not in 2020. 


I too was, when I first read this. But as I read this further I was able to follow and appreciate the logic underlying this theory.

When the world switched from Julian calendar to Gregorian calendar - we started adding 11 days every year due to miscalculation so in total till today we have added 2,948 extra days, which is equal to eight years. If we take these extra days out then we are back in the year 2012.

Let me share the calculation with you more clearly.

Total number of years since we are using the Gregorian calendar: (2020 - 1752) = 268

Total number of days added till 2020 @ 11 days per year = 11 x 268 = 2,948

Total number of years added = 2,948 / 365 = 8 years

So 2020 - 8 = 2012.

Therefore as per the above calculations, we are actually in the year 2012 and not in the year 2020.

As per the Maya calendar, the world is supposed to come to an abrupt end in the year 2012. 

Adjusting the calendar as per the above calculations the date is very close to the 21st of June 2020.

Now the questions tickling in our minds are that are we all going to die on the 21st of June 2020? Is the world going to end sometime next week? Has the doomsday arrived? Is the prophecy or prediction of the Mayan calendar going to be true?

Let’s do a deep dive to understand this. 

The basis on which this newly spun conspiracy theory is based is wrong. Julian calendar was used and followed for centuries, but one of the major drawbacks of this calendar was - it didn’t account for leap year very well. That was the reason around the 1582 AD Gregorian calendar came into existence. Though this calendar was a bit complicated as compared to the Julian calendar.

While switching from Julian calendar to Gregorian calendar some adjustments were done and one such adjustment was to jump 11 days - but this was done once only in 1752 AD and not every year. 


Julian Calendar

Secondly, when the doomsday was predicted for 21 December 2012, it was calculated by finding the corresponding date as per the Gregorian calendar for the doomsday date as per the Mayan calendar and has got nothing to do with switching on from Julian calendar to Gregorian calendar.

Thirdly as in our Gregorian calendar, the year ends on 31st of December and the calendar resets for 1st January and a new year starts. Similarly in Mayan calendar, a Bak'tun (you can consider this as a century having 144,000 days or 20 k'atun) ends and a new Baktum starts. So as per the Mayan calendar, the 13th Baktum ended on the 21st of December 2012 and now we are in 14th Baktum as per Mayan calendar.

Also per NASA - the story with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is heading towards earth. Initially, this catastrophe was predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday was pushed forward to December 2012.

Now Mr. Paolo put forward a new date for doomsday and tweeted it.

Though his tweet is now deleted but with his this tweet he was able to catch the limelight and rumble the social media and other channels of communication.

In my view till the time mankind doesn’t do an act of self-destruction, we are safe.

What do you think? Please share your thoughts.


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